Kirtland Air Force Base, Aircraft Maintenance Facility

Kasey Skarsgard

Bridgers & Paxton designed the mechanical, electrical, plumbing and technology systems for the new construction, HMC-130 Fuel Cell Maintenance Hangar, Armament Shop and Corrosion Control Facility at Kirtland Airforce Base. The 32,208 SF H/MC-130 Fuel Cell Facility is a one-story facility with a hangar bay sized for the H/MC-130 aircraft, offices, locker room, breakroom, and a dispatch office. The Hangar …

New Mexico State Police District 7 Facility

Kasey Skarsgard

The New Mexico Department of Public Safety will soon have a new home for its District 7 state police station. Named in honor of the fallen NM state police officer Glen Huber, the new 8,964 square foot building will replace an aged and obsolete facility that no longer meets the agency’s current demands and needs to effectively serve the community. …

Colorado Army National Guard


Designed to support the Colorado Army National Guard’s Delta Company, 1-157th Infantry Battalion, the facility includes an assembly hall, administration office, classrooms, library, kitchen, family support center, recruiting office, separate unit equipment and individual equipment storage, weapons vault, physical fitness area, controlled waste, break room and restrooms. To meet the established goals of the National Guard, extensive lifecycle cost and …